Football man profiles

Football man
While at football games, you may see Football man. "Man" is not capitalized in his name. Football man comes from a long line of Footballians, or as they are modernly called, Footballtics. They have been persecuted for their fanatic beliefs. Anyway, Football man has many friends, Icecream man, Brandon, and others that randomly appear out of nowhere but still remain trapped in the psychotic spiral of chaos that their lives encompass. Football man's weakness is the number pi. When he is around pi he is screwed. He likes puppy dogs and kitty cats. If you are a puppy dog or kitty cat, stop by and say hi to Football man. You may be his friend and he might do your homework.

Icecream Man/Woman
Icecream Man/Woman is truely a woman. She has a secret love for Football man that she only revealed at his half-deathbed. Now she weeps and hopes for his safe return. The death of Football man is the death of Icecream Woman.

Brandon is a young boy whose Trowa-like hair continues to get sharper. He was once dyslexic, but now people only think he is. Brandon's world is one of truth, hate, and sorrow. He cares not for himself, only for others. A say-er, not a do-er is Brandon.

As to not spoil anything, the profiles of Insurance Man, Pi, Mister Evil, and Pink Hair Boy are being withheld.

Football Muyo! profiles:
Football man & Icecream woman - Sex addicts. That's about it.

Brandon & Pink Hair Boy - Roommates. Pink hair boy is a stupid slob. Brandon isn't gay... or is he? The original odd couple!

Mister Evil & Pi - Friends. Pi want to rule the world, Mister Evil is Pi's drinking buddy.

Insurance Man - After losing his job as an insurance man, Insurance Man has gone into solitude, talking crudely by himself.

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